..... my not so exciting ventures into gardening, self sufficiency, getting solar electricity & hot water & pretty much life in general in a small country town .....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time to plant your chokos

I asked David from Productive Gardens http://www.productivegardens.com.au/ the following about planting Chokos

"Should I get the seed out, dry it before planting or plant it straight away or put the entire choko in?"

He replied very quickly with

"Hi Nicole,
Chokos are a great thing to grow, quite pest and disease free and being perennial, will crop on for quite a few years.
Prepare the soil with well rotted animal manure or your best compost but the site must be well drained.
Now is the time to plant them, just put a whole one aside until the fruit sends out a root. This means the seed is mature and the whole fruit should be planted. Place the fruit at a depth of about 10cm and at an angle of 45 degrees with the shoot downwards. The stem end should be at ground level or slightly exposed."

So I purchased a few from the markets & left them alone in the fruit bowl last week.

As you can see they have started to sprout from the top.

I'll leave them grow for another few days & hopefully the weather will have calmed down so I can plant them out.

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