..... my not so exciting ventures into gardening, self sufficiency, getting solar electricity & hot water & pretty much life in general in a small country town .....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Corn Galore

I've started to harvest some of my corn.
Below is patch number 1 of 3 situated in various parts of my garden.

Last night I picked 11 cobs with a total weight of 3.458kg.
I kept 2 still in their husks to either BBQ or Steam whole.

The remainder were cut into pieces, blanched & sealed in lots of 3 or 4 with the Vaccum sealer ready to be frozen.


  1. That is great looking corn and I bet it taste soooo nice.

  2. Thanks Debbie, it does taste yummy!
    Both Jon & I ate a full cob each the other night for tea & nothing else

  3. What a great achievement Nicole. Sigh corn on the cob delicioius!
